Hi, this is Matt and I constantly try to explore the meaning-making process through different mediums and form of expression.



Milan, Galleria Cael - ViralArt
2020, 26 June - 12 July 2020

Zurich, Urbanside Gallery - ArtBox Project 2.0
2022, 01 February - 04 March

Venezia, Tana Art Space - During LaBiennale Events
2022, 02 May - 31 May

Athens, Art Number 23 Gallery
2022, 2 September - 9 September

Barcelona, Art Number 23 Gallery
2022, 9 September - 16 September

Glasgow, Glasgow Gallery of Photography
2022, 4 October - 9 October
2023, 5 July - 15 July

Turin, AILIMĒ - Private Exhibition
2022, 1 December - 31 December

Virtual, Makersplace.com - Curated Exhibits
2023, 15 March - 30 March

New York, the NYC Artexpo Manhattan
2023, 17 April - 26 April

Napoli, Magazzini Fotografici
Short movie featuring all semi-finalists works
2023, November - 2024, January

Trieste, Airport & Fringe Photo Festival
2024, August - 2024, October



Design You Trust, Italian Photographer Matteo Carella Captures Urban Tokyo In Noir And Neon

Bored Panda, Photographer Matteo Carella Captures Urban Tokyo Vibes Pictures

Berlin Explorer Magazine, Learn From Experience: Matteo Carella

Thestreerover, Glamorama. La Milano delle apparenze nelle fotografie di Matteo Carella

Cities, ILFOTOGRAFO, project mention “Solitude in the Hive”

EYESHOT Open Call 2023, Semifinalist

Trieste Photo Days, Semifinalist